
Did you know phones have 18x’s more bacteria than a public toilet seat? Idk about you, but in the last few months I have become QUITE the germaphobe. We reach for our hand sanitizer, but how often do we forget to clean our phones?

Wiping your phones down isn’t as effective as most people think, plus it can cause permanent damage. PhoneSoap uses UV-C rays to eliminate bacteria that accumulates on your screen surface. The light technology sanitizes your phone, killing 99.99999% of all bacteria and household germs—including the common cold and flu/respiratory viruses!

Nowadays, there is so much hype surrounding hand hygiene, but let’s take a minute and talk about PHONE hygiene! Our mobile devices are a third hand (a hand that isn’t getting scrubbed or cleaned multiple times a day for 20 seconds or more). And guess what? Our phones are a sanctuary for germs, bacteria and viruses just sitting in our purse, hand, or pocket.

As a registered nurse, sanitizing and cleanliness serve the utmost importance in my personal life and in my workplace. My patients are easily susceptible to acquiring infections if they come into contact with germs and bacteria.

I first discovered and fell in love with this product because we use it exclusively at my workplace. Since then, I have purchased several of my own and have gifted many to family and friends. I am a tried and true fan and I HIGHLY, HIGHLY, HIGHLY recommend it!

This handy dandy device was featured on Shark Tank and has completely revolutionized how we clean our phones! And it takes just 10 minutes! How cool is that?! Forget the harmful heat, wipes, liquids, or harsh chemicals—which can all potentially damage your phone. PhoneSoap fits all phone sizes, shapes & models and can even clean your keys, credit cards, glasses, watches, AirPods, and YES—even your MASKS!!

Stay safe & healthy and purchase yours today!
